Installing GTD Excel Report Server

GTD Excel Report Server is implemented as a Web service. There are 2 distributions of GTD App.

In this page we talk about installation of stand-alone server. To learn more on deployment of WAR, please visit Deploy GTD WAR

First, please make sure that what you downloaded is stand-alone server. You will see startup.bat or if you unzip the downloaded archiver.

Installing Java Runtime Environment (JRE)


Switch to bash (For non-Windows user only)

The script/document provided by the vendor Lion Soft assume that you are using bash. If the script does not work, please verify that you are using bash, not sh(Bourne Shell) or other shell.

To switch to bash, just run


Install JRE on the server

GTD Excel Report Server is 100% pure java. You should have Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed on your server before you install GTD Server.
If you have installed the JRE or JDK 1.5 or above, please ignore this section.

Download Free JRE from Sun Microsystems

Optional URL:

Install JRE on the server

Once you download the JRE, please install it on the server.

Testing Java Runtime Environment

You’ll want to confirm that your system is configured properly for Sun’s JRE.

Check that the JRE is properly installed by running the following command from a terminal.

java -version

You should get similar output

java version "1.5.0_14"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_14-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_14-b03, mixed mode, sharing)

Install JRE on ubuntu linux, just run this command line:

sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre

Install JRE on centOS linux (x86), just run this command lines:

chmod a+x jre-6u24-linux-i586.bin
mv jre1.6.0_24 /usr/local/jre
alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/local/jre/bin/java 1
java -version

Install JRE on centOS linux (x64), just run this command lines:

chmod a+x jre-6u24-linux-i586.bin
mv jre1.6.0_24 /usr/local/jre
alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/local/jre/bin/java 1
java -version

We strongly suggest you to install sun jre other than openJDK.

Installing GTD Excel Report Server


1. Download GTD Server installation package. It will be a ZIP file.
2. Extract the archive to the desired install directory. The directory is identified by ${GTD_HOME} in this document.

2.1 Recommended directory:

TIPS: Please install unzip utility first.

Install Unzip on ubuntu linux, just run this command line:

sudo apt-get install zip unzip

Install Unzip on centOS linux, just run this command lines:

yum install unzip

2.2 Layout of the subdirectories

Name Type Description
tomcat-embed Dir Tomcat server
ExcelReportSvr Dir Stores GTD server programs
docs Dir Documents
win-service Dir Programs and docs on running GTD server as windows service
linux-daemon Dir Scripts and docs on running GTD server as linux daemon
  Scripts of starting up and shutting down GTD server.(For Windows)
  Scripts of starting up and shutting down GTD server.(For Linux)
gtdreport.properities.sample   Sample of configuration file


3. Create directory for configuration files of GTD server

Please create directory for the configuration files of the server. Make sure that the directory is writable for user that starts GTD report server.

Recommended directory:

This directory is named Configuration Directory in this document

4. Create directory for log files.

Please create directory for the log files. Make sure the directory is writable for user that starts GTD report server.

Recommended directory:

5. Create the configuration file gtdreport.properities, configure the server

The GTD server requires the following information when it is startting up.

  1. The port the server will listenning to
  2. The directory created at step 3. The server will save configuration files to the directory.
  3. The path of the log files. You may want to server save log files on the directory created st step 4.

By default the GTD server will load the configuration file from the path below before starting up the server.


You will see a file named gtdreport.properities.sample in ${GTD_HOME}. [Learn More at 2.2]

Please edit the file and then rename the file to gtdreport.properities.

Sample file for Linux:


Sample file for Windows: ( Note: If you use backslashes, you must double them )


The list below is a sample of installiing GTD Server on linux.

[root@li107-23 local]# pwd
[root@li107-23 local]# unzip
[root@li107-23 local]# mkdir gtdserver-data
[root@li107-23 local]# cd gtdserver-data/
[root@li107-23 gtdserver-data]# mkdir config
[root@li107-23 gtdserver-data]# mkdir log
[root@li107-23 gtdserver-data]# cd log
[root@li107-23 log]# echo "" > gtdreport.log
[root@li107-23 log]# cd ..
[root@li107-23 gtdserver-data]# cd ..
[root@li107-23 local]# pwd
[root@li107-23 local]# cd gtdserver
[root@li107-23 gtdserver]# chmod a+x *.sh
[root@li107-23 gtdserver]# echo "port=8002" > gtdreport.properities
[root@li107-23 gtdserver]# echo "configDir=/usr/local/gtdserver-data/config" >> gtdreport.properities
[root@li107-23 gtdserver]# echo "logFile=/usr/local/gtdserver-data/log/gtdreport.log" >> gtdreport.properities
[root@li107-23 gtdserver]# cat gtdreport.properities
[root@li107-23 gtdserver]# ./


Testing GTD server in console mode


Testing is best done from a command prompt in a console window (or “DOS window”). In this way you can have the server display status messages in the window where they are easy to see. If something is wrong with your configuration, these messages make it easier for you to identify and fix any problems.

Start GTD Server from command line.

1. Open console window or terminal

* If GTD server is installed on Windows OS, you can open a new CMD prompt by choosing START, RUN, type cmd, click OK.

2. Change work directory to ${GTD_HOME}

cd ${GTD_HOME}

3. Run shartup.bat (For Windows) or (For Linux)

c:\Program Files\gtdserver>startup.bat

linux:/usr/local/gtdserver # chmod a+x *.sh
linux:/usr/local/gtdserver # ./

Tip: Please mush run chmod before running

When the server finishes its startup sequence, you should see something like this, which indicates that the server is ready to service client connections.

* Server Started

Visit GTD server via browser.

Please open the browser (IE/Firefox etc), and then visit GTD server. The URL looks like:


Port is specified in ${GTD_HOME}/gtdreport.properities

You will see Login form, please login the server, using the initial username and password.

UserName: admin
Password: 1234

In the Home page, please click Options tab, and then click Quick Start link.

The Quick Start page describes how to get start with GTD Report Server. Some sections may be hidden if you have finished the corresponding steps.


Stopping GTD server


1. You can stop the GTD server by executing this command:

c:\Program Files\gtdserver>shutdown.bat

linux:/usr/local/gtdserver # ./


2. You can also stop the server from web interface of GTD Server.

In the Home page, please click Options tab, and then click Stop Server link.