You can specify the fonts of cells when building reports. Perhaps you can not find the font you prefer in the drop down list. In this case, you can add it manually.
Initial Fonts |
When you install GTD Server, some fonts will be created.
Arial | Arial Black | Book Antiqua | Bookshelf Symbol 7 | Century Gothic |
Comic Sans MS | Courier | Courier New | Fixedsys | Georgia |
Impact | Lucida Console | Lucida Sans Unicode | MS Reference Sans Serif | MS Reference Specialty |
MS Sans Serif | MS Serif | Marlett | Microsoft Sans Serif | Modern |
Palatino Linotype | Roman | Script | Small Fonts | Symbol |
System | Tahoma | Terminal | Times New Roman | Trebuchet MS |
Verdana | Webdings | Wingdings | Wingdings 2 | Wingdings 3 |
Perhaps you want to use other fonts, especially fonts for your mother lanuage, you can add them manually.
Fonts Manager |
1. Logon GTD Server, using user with administrator/developer privilege.
Please visit Testing GTD server in console mode if you don't know how to logon the GTD Server.
2. The Home page appear, please click the Font Manager link in Options tab.
3. The Fonts Manager page appear.
Adding Fonts |
1. Login GTD Server, using user with administrator privilege, navigate to Font Manager
2. Click "Add
Font " in the bottom-left of Font Manager.
3. Enter the font name, and then click Add button.
4. The font is added, now you can use it while building reports.
FAQ: Should I install the fonts on the
server(machine) that hosts GTD server?
A: No. But the fonts shoud be installed on the computers on
which you view the excel output.
Removing Fonts |
1. Login GTD Server, using user with administrator privilege, navigate to Font Manager
2. Find the font you want to delete, click the
button on the corresponding row.