GTD Excel Report Server User Account Management

The GTD Excel Report Server supports 2 type of authentication method:

Container-managed authentication

To learn more how to configure web.xml and other deployment descriptor (DD), please click here.

GTD-App-managed authentication

This section describes how to set up accounts for users of your GTD server through GTD-App-managed authentication method.

Please be informed:

This section applies to administrators only.

Initial User Account


When you install GTD Server, the initial user account admin will be created.

This is superuser accounts that can do anything. The initial admin account passwords is 1234

Please logon the GTD server, and then add new user accounts

In order to protect your admin account, please change the initial password as soon as you logon the server.


User Account Manager


1. Logon GTD Server, using user with administrator privilege.

2. The Home page appear, please click the User Manager link in Admin tab.

3. The User Account Manager page appear. It is simular to the figure below.

This page lists all users of GTD Server. What you can do in this page:


Configuring LDAP Authentication


This section demonstrates how to configure GTD server to use an LDAP server for authentication of users.

In addition to authentication with GTD data file, you can configure GTD server to authenticate Users against a central LDAP directory service.

Benefits of LDAP Authentication: Centralized password repository. User has only one password for network and application.

It is easy to integrate GTD server with Active Directory Authentication, see the figure below. However, it is not so easy to configure authentication with other LDAP server (OID, OpenDS, iPlanet etc.), please contact your network administrator.

About DN Pattern:

The DN Pattern is consisted by [User ID Attribute]%uid%[Base DN]

If the Distinguished Name (DN) of a user is something like:

CN=George L. Sexton,OU=Users,DC=XYZ,DC=COM

The DN Pattern should be CN=%uid%,OU=Users,DC=XYZ,DC=COM

If the DN looks like:

uid=john,o=Fox Chase Cancer Center,c=US

The DN Pattern should be uid=%uid%,o=Fox Chase Cancer Center,c=US

Adding New User Accounts


1. Logon GTD Server, using user with administrator privilege.

Please visit Testing GTD server in console mode if you don't know how to logon the GTD Server.

2. The Home page appear, please click the New User link in Admin tab.
3. The New User page appear, please fill in the form, and then click submit button

If you check Authenticated by LDAP server, you don't need to set password for the user, because the password is managed by the LDAP server.

4. If the new user is common user, you need to grant roles to the user.

For more information on roles, click here

There are 3 types of user account.

  1. Administrator
  2. Developer
  3. Common User


The Administrator can do every thing.
The Developer can do every thing except managing users and roles, shutting down the server.
The common user can run report only.

Adding New User Accounts in Bulk


1. Logon GTD Server, using user with administrator privilege.

Please visit Testing GTD server in console mode if you don't know how to logon the GTD Server.

2. The Home page appear, please click the Import Users link in Admin tab.


Removing New User Accounts


1. Login GTD Server, using user with administrator privilege, navigate to User Account Manager

2. Find the user you want to remove, Click button.


Reseting password of User


Perhaps some users forget their password, you can reset the password to default password 1234.

1. Login GTD Server, using user with administrator privilege, navigate to User Account Manager

2. Select the user you want to reset the password, Click reset button.